Staff & Leadership


Amy Cook

Working Group Head for Faith Formation


Amy advises formation ministries for adults. This includes organizing and planning diocesan-wide learning events and retreats as well as referring clergy, staff, vestries, and leaders to resources they can use. She acts as the Diocesan liaison for our campus ministries at UC Berkeley, Stanford, and the Ecumenical House in San Francisco. Amy is working with a team to reorganize and refresh the School for Deacons, as well as continuing other lay discernment programs, including Education for Ministry and Eucharistic Minister/Visitor training. 


Caren Miles

Associate for Faith Formation


Caren advises formation ministries for youth and children. She assists youth ministers with retreats and events, sometimes organizing and planning them, sometimes simply with financial support and other resources. She plans and organizes Diocesan-wide confirmations, as well as consults with congregations about confirmation curricula. The Diocesan Whole & Healthy Church policy runs through Caren’s office which includes researching and crafting policy, organizing in person trainings, and facilitating online training and background checks.


Dr. Sheila Andrus

Member of the Episcopal Church Sustain Island Home Team


Sheila Andrus, PhD is a team member of the Episcopal Church's Sustain Island Home online program for learning, action and advocacy to address climate change. In this work, as well as contributions to the Episcopal Diocese of California's sustainability program, Sheila draws upon her federal and university experience as an environmental scientist, science manager, and educator with a focus on global health, climate change, and sustainable development.   She has been a member of the Episcopal Church's official delegation to the UN Conference of Parties on Climate Change, 2015-2017, and continues to support the Episcopal Church Center planning related to Care of Creation.


The Rt. Rev. Dr. Marc Handley Andrus

8th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California


The Rt. Rev. Dr. Marc Handley Andrus is the eighth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California. He was installed as bishop in 2006 — a position of oversight for a diocese comprised of 24,000 communicants in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo Counties, and the cities of Los Altos and part of Palo Alto. Prior to his election as Bishop of California, Andrus served as Bishop Suffragan in the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama.

His leadership has focused on key issues related to peace and justice, including immigration reform, civil rights for LBGTQ+ persons, health care, and climate change. His climate advocacy work has taken him to the UN Climate Conferences in Paris (COP21), Marrakesh (COP22), Bonn (COP23), and Katowice, Poland (COP24), as well as the Dakota Access Pipeline demonstrations at Standing Rock, North Dakota.