Staff & Leadership
Amy Cook
Working Group Head for Faith Formation
Amy advises formation ministries for adults. This includes organizing and planning diocesan-wide learning events and retreats as well as referring clergy, staff, vestries, and leaders to resources they can use. She acts as the Diocesan liaison for our campus ministries at UC Berkeley, Stanford, and the Ecumenical House in San Francisco. Amy is working with a team to reorganize and refresh the School for Deacons, as well as continuing other lay discernment programs, including Education for Ministry and Eucharistic Minister/Visitor training.
Caren Miles
Associate for Faith Formation
Caren advises formation ministries for youth and children. She assists youth ministers with retreats and events, sometimes organizing and planning them, sometimes simply with financial support and other resources. She plans and organizes Diocesan-wide confirmations, as well as consults with congregations about confirmation curricula. The Diocesan Whole & Healthy Church policy runs through Caren’s office which includes researching and crafting policy, organizing in person trainings, and facilitating online training and background checks.