Earth Day 2022


Websites for Earth Day

  • Earth Day website

    For information on the worldwide observance of Earth Day. Local actions for the environment can be added to the US map. Click here.

  • Earth Day in San Francisco

    Check out this website with events, resources, and activities in San Francisco. Add your own Earth Day actions to their list. Click here.

  • Earth Day in Oakland

    Public and town supported events and activities in Oakland. Add your own Earth Day actions to their list. Click here.

Get your Church Involved


Interfaith Power and Light has a downloadable kit for churches to mobilize and educate the congregation around Faith Climate Action Week. The kit is evergreen with great faith-based discussion materials, a Youth Blessing, and suggested activities for you and your congregation that can be used at any time of year!

Our children and grandchildren will bear the brunt of climate change, and their voices have an outsized impact in the halls of power when they speak about how climate change affects their future. IPL invites you to lean into this sobering and hopeful paradox and work alongside the youth in your congregation or community to speak up for their rights to a stable climate. Make it a focus of your Earth Day worship services and be part of the solution with the suggested actions in the organizer’s kit.