Earth Day 2022
Websites for Earth Day
Earth Day website
For information on the worldwide observance of Earth Day. Local actions for the environment can be added to the US map. Click here.
Earth Day in San Francisco
Check out this website with events, resources, and activities in San Francisco. Add your own Earth Day actions to their list. Click here.
Earth Day in Oakland
Public and town supported events and activities in Oakland. Add your own Earth Day actions to their list. Click here.
Get your Church Involved
Interfaith Power and Light has a downloadable kit for churches to mobilize and educate the congregation around Faith Climate Action Week. The kit is evergreen with great faith-based discussion materials, a Youth Blessing, and suggested activities for you and your congregation that can be used at any time of year!
Our children and grandchildren will bear the brunt of climate change, and their voices have an outsized impact in the halls of power when they speak about how climate change affects their future. IPL invites you to lean into this sobering and hopeful paradox and work alongside the youth in your congregation or community to speak up for their rights to a stable climate. Make it a focus of your Earth Day worship services and be part of the solution with the suggested actions in the organizer’s kit.
Worship & Liturgy
Liturgical Materials are available through Faith Climate Action Week in both ENGLISH and SPANISH.
The Rev. Michele Racusin has written a beautiful prayer on Climate Change to be used by our churches.
Green Faith offers a collection of faith resources for the Sacred Season for Climate Justice.
Creation Justice Ministries offers a downloadable guide with studies and liturgical helps for churches.
The Church of England has some wonderful prayers for World Environment Day that are appropriate anytime we are praying for the earth.
Group or Individual Study
The Creation Care Collective is offering a Creation Justice 1010 summer intensive, 6-week program to prepare and equip Creation Care Teams in churches. Or, an 8 month program starts in the fall. This facilitated program means you just show up online to join with other churches for learning and encouragement.
The Healing Earth Curriculum comes out of Loyola University in Chicago is offers an abundance of resources in English and Spanish. This curriculum presents a unique approach to six major ecological challenges of our time: declining biodiversity, natural resource depletion, shift to renewable energy, water quality and availability, food quality and availability, and global climate change. This curriculum can be studied alone or in groups. Feel free to pull small units from this amazing, free resource.
Check out this article for understanding the different perspective of Earth Day: Earthrise: What brought the whole world to honor Earth Day? Included are links to further articles and books.
Book Suggestions
Here are a few recommendations of newer books:
Nothing Lowly in the Universe: An Integral Approach to the Ecological Crisis, by Jennie M. Ratcliffe.
Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World, By John Philip Newell
A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet, by Sarah Jaquette Ray
A Bigger Picture: My Fight to Bring a New African Voice to the Climate Crisis, by Vanessa Nakate
The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find our Place in the Universe, by Jeremy Lent
The Path to a Livable Future: A New Politics to Fight Climate Change, Racism, and the Next Pandemic, by Stan Cox
Meditate with poetry, or use with worship or small groups.
Connect with Lynn Ungar’s poem “The Last Good Days.”
All Thy Works Praise Thee, O Lord: A Processional Of Creation, by Christina Rossetti
Check out this collection of poetry around Climate Change from
The Poetry Foundation has gathered a collection entitled “Poetry and the Environment: Recent poetic approaches to the natural world and ecology.” There are many beautiful poems available online in this collection.