Listening to Lambeth, 2022

The diocese of California passed a resolution at the convention in October, 2022 to “affirm our commitment as a diocese to listen to the global voices of the Church that came together at Lambeth Conference 2022 and to take up the themes and statements of support discussed amongst the bishops present at the Lambeth gathering as part of becoming a more inclusive and diverse beloved community.” The following resources are to help us live out this resolution. Click here to see the full resolution.

In this free, self-directed, virtual class, Bishop Eugene Sutton of the Diocese of Maryland offers his perspective on the 2022 Lambeth Conference. He offers an overview of what exactly the conference is and why it matters, discusses the current place the conference holds as an Anglican Church authority, talks about the main issues discussed at the 2022 conference, and addresses the question of why it matters that the Lambeth Conference and other meetings between members of the global Anglican communion continue to happen.

Reflections on Lambeth 2022 with Eugene Sutton

Prayers of the People for the Anglican Communion

Michael Fitzpatrick, the author of the resolution, has written prayers based on the Statements of Support offered by the Bishops of the Anglican Communion at the Lambeth Conference 2022. These prayers are intended to supplement the Anglican Communion Cycle of Prayer, often included in the Prayers of the People during the Liturgy of the Word. It is recommended that parishes select one prayer for a given Sunday from the list. Each prayer encapsulates a Statement of Support put forward by the bishops of the Anglican Communion at Lambeth 2022. All needed links and instructions included below in the link.