LiveScan Fingerprinting
PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK THAT THE BILLING NUMBER IS FILLED OUT CORRECTLY - 154731 (some forms aren’t downloading properly. sorry.)
Why do I need to be fingerprinted?
California State Assembly bill AB-506 mandates that “An administrator, employee, or regular volunteer of a youth service organization shall undergo a background check pursuant to Section 11105.3 of the Penal Code to identify and exclude any persons with a history of child abuse.”
AB-506 defines youth service organizations as: an organization that employs or utilizes the services of persons who, due to their relationship with the organization, are mandated reporters pursuant to paragraph (7) of subdivision (a) of Section 11165.7 of the Penal Code. Under this section of the penal code, clergy are mandated reporters, therefore churches are youth service organizations.
Who needs to be fingerprinted?
All clergy active in the Diocese (no matter where their canonical residence is)
- bishops
- priests
- deacons
- retired clergy
- volunteer
- postulants
All paid staff
- administrators, secretaries
- development staff
- communications staff
- sextons
- music staff (including paid singers)
If you have an on-site daycare, preK, or school, those staff should be fingerprinted by the school.
All volunteers
- Sunday School and Confirmation Leaders
- Parent Volunteers
- Small Group Leaders
- Eucharistic Ministers & Visitors
- Vestry Members
Key Holders (anyone who has access to the building outside of normal operating hours)
- Altar Guild
- Renters
- Building Hosts
Full training and background check chart can be found HERE
We cannot background check anyone under the age of 18.
If you have someone who needs a background check according to this list, but may not have a social security number or legal documentation, please contact Caren Miles - there are limited exemptions for these cases.
How do I get fingerprinted?
Step One: Download and fill out THIS FORM (you only need to add the applicant information, nothing else).
Step Two: Print the form and take it to a certified LiveScan fingerprint processor. They will take it from there.
Step Three: Email Caren Miles with your name and congregation. She will make sure the records are connected to your congregation.
How much will this cost?
Fingerprint rolling is done for a minimal fee (usually around $20-$40 per person) and you will have to pay at the time you have your fingerprints taken. Any costs for the background checks themselves will be covered by the Diocese. If the fingerprint roller asks you to pay those fees, double check that your form has the full billing number (154731) marked in.
I have already done LiveScan for an organization outside of the diocese (schools, scouts, ect.), do I have to do it again?
Unfortunately, yes, you need to have them taken using the above form. The Diocese cannot get access to previously taken fingerprints. Each organization needs separate permission to access your background records.
I completed an online background check, do I have to do LiveScan, too?
The online background checks previously run by Praesidium are good for 5 years. After that 5 year window, you will need to do a LiveScan.
I have more questions, who can I talk to?
Caren Miles, Whole & Healthy Church Administrator can help you. Email her at