It’s Just Like Riding a Bike
By Caren Miles
When I was about 4 years old, my dad broke his arm trying to teach my older brother how to ride a bike. My dad was riding and as he came up onto the curb the bike flew out from under him. My brother and I ran into the house yelling "daddy hurt himself trying to pop a wheelie!"
Anyone who has tried to teach a child to ride a bike knows there are generally two rules to follow: 1-You have to get off the bike so the kid can get on and 2-Eventually you will need to let go of the bike.
Every few years a cry goes up around the church asking where all our young leaders are. In response I ask who is training young people to lead? And how are we creating space for them to lead?
Jesus’ disciples bickered about who was going to lead, while Jesus lead them to widen the circle so all were welcome. How can we follow his lead and widen our leadership circles and share the work that is to be done.
As Annual Meetings are being planned and Vestries are being elected, what young people have we identified for leadership? Do our vestry members have young people they are mentoring to eventually take over their position? What about our deanery and convention delegates?
How can we run alongside our youth and young adults, helping them learn the intricacies of our Church governance, assisting them as they get their balance, encouraging them when they fall, and eventually letting go as they are able to ride beside us on their own.