Youth Ministry Call Prayers from 12/1/2020
A Four Direction Prayer from the Episcopal Church Office for Ethnic Ministries
Let us turn our hearts to the West
From there the Thunders bring us cleansing rain
Grandfather God, heal us and our relatives
Let us turn our hearts to the North
Winter comes to us from there and calls us to rest
Grandfather God, restore our strength
Let us turn our hearts to the East
The morning Sun begins each day there
Grandfather God awaken us and help us to walk with a renewed life
Let us turn our hearts to the South
Where the warm winds come from to give us comfort and joy
Grandfather God soothe our aching souls
Let us turn our hearts to the Sky
From there our Creator sees all around us
Grandfather God help us to trust you to lead us
Let us turn our hearts to the Earth
From there quiet wisdom comes to teach us
Grandmother God hear us as we pray
Sigh of Relief
Again Jesus said to them, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, so also I am sending you.’ When He had said this, He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’
– John 20:21-22
This can be done lying down, sitting, or standing. Relax your neck, roll your shoulders, and gently shake your arms until you are comfortable.
Inhale slowly through your nose fully using your diaphragm, bringing your breath all the way to the bottom of your belly and to the top of your chest. Raise your chin towards the ceiling as you breath in. With your in-breath you are saying “yes” to life and to the presence of God.
Pause for a second at the peak of your in breath and allow your chest and shoulders to relax.
Keep your full attention on the felt sense of your breath. Let your breath go, exhaling through your mouth, allowing gravity to release your out-breath. Sometimes it is helpful to give voice to your sigh.
Repeat this three times.
--Taken from “Inward Journey: Spiritual Practices” (Second Breath Center )
A Christian Tai Chi Collect for Wellness and Healing: from the Episcopal Church Office for Ethnic Ministries
I am a child of God;
I stand on His holy Word,
I’m embraced by His motherly care and I breathe His Holy Spirit.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I push out negative thoughts; I take in positive thoughts.
I push out sickness; I take in good health.
I push out poverty; I take in prosperity.
I push out hatred; I take in love.
I push out fear; I take in faith.
I push out despair; I take in hope;
I push out sadness; I take in joy.
I push out divisions; I take in reconciliation.
And now, I will share the Good News
to my family,
my relatives,
my friends,
my neighbors,
here and all over the world.
In Jesus’ Name.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
A Franciscan Benediction
May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers,
half truths and superficial relationships
so that you will live deep in your heart.
May God bless you with anger
at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people and the earth
so that you will work for justice, equity and peace
May God bless you with tears
to shed for those who suffer so that you will reach out with your hands
to comfort them and change their pain into joy
And may God bless you with the foolishness
to think that you can make a difference in the world
so that you will do the things which others say cannot be done.