2023 Calendar of Youth
MLK Weekend Overnight - January 15-16
Sunday night into Monday, youth and their adults will gather at three churches in the Diocese (St. Paul’s, Burlingame, St. Paul’s, Oakland, and one in Contra Costa Deanery) for games, fun, food, and fellowship Sunday evening. They will sleepover in the churches, then spend Monday doing a service project in the area.
FORMA Conference - January 17-19
This year’s Forma Conference will be in Alexandria, VA with most components also available online. DioCal can cover the registration cost for folks who would like to attend either in-person or online.
Congregational Annual Meetings
At this year’s annual meetings delegates will be elected for Diocesan Convention and the Special Convention to elect a new Bishop for the Diocese of California. Youth who have been baptized and are members of good standing in their local congregations can be elected to serve as a delegate.
ELCA Extravaganza - February 3-6
The ELCA Extravaganza is a conference for youth workers (and they’ve kindly allowed us Episcopalians to join the party). This year they are gathering in Anaheim along with online options. DioCal can help cover registration if you would like to attend either in-person or online.
Ash Wednesday - February 22
Senior High Retreat: Just As I Am - March 3-5
Youth in grades 9-12 (and their adult leaders) are invited to join us at the Bishop’s Ranch for a faith and sexuality retreat based partially on These Are Our Bodies. The cost is $100 per person. Registration will be available in late January.
Palm Sunday - April 2
Easter Sunday - April 9
I think that’s plenty to get through this month, don’t you?
Woods to Waves Hike - Saturday, May 13
This annual fundraiser for St. Dorothy’s Rest is a 12 mile hike (shorter options also available) beginning on St. Dorothy’s Rest’s property and ending at the Pacific Ocean. Money raised will go directly towards supporting hospital camp programs and all residential camps.
DioCal Youth Pilgrimage to Grace Cathedral - Saturday, May 21
Youth from around the diocese are invited to walk, bus, bike, train, ferry and BART to Grace Cathedral from their home church. We will all gather on the Plaza at 5 pm for dinner and closing eucharist at 6 pm.
Registration will be available in early April.
Diocesan Confirmations at Grace Cathedral - Saturday, June 3
Everyone wishing to be Confirmed (or received or reaffirm their faith) can sign up for this Confirmation service at our Cathedral.
Registration is done by congregations and will begin in early May.
Summer Camps Begin:
Weather you’re at St. Dorothy’s Rest or The Bishop’s Ranch, we hope you can join us at camp this summer!
This year Episcopal Youth from across the church will gather in College Park, MD for 3 full days of awesome. Registration will begin in January. Costs to youth will only be airfare and pocket money.
Schools will be starting and Summer will be wrapping up.
Youth workers - have you taken a vacation yet? Or at least some good time off?