Prayers after Voting

Open with Prayer: God, we thank you for this time together, for the technology that makes it possible, and the hearts that connect us. Be with us as we travel, join us in this journey, and help us see and hear you always. Amen.

Read: An excerpt from “A Prayer on Election Day” by Ruth Haley Barton

May the way we voted today and the attitudes we carried with into the voting booth
“show us to be citizens of your kingdom
People of hope in the midst of despair,
Joy in the midst of sorrow,
Faith in the midst of fear,
Truth in the midst of confusion,
Generosity in the face of need.”

What did you see today at the voting booth? Did anything catch you by surprise or cause you to wonder?

What do you think it means to be “people of hope in the midst of despair,” especially when it comes to big elections?

It’s easy to feel scared or nervous after a big day like this, especially when media stories about hard-to-understand issues can make us feel overwhelmed. When this happens, sometimes it’s best to focus on kid-sized solutions. What solutions do you have for some of the problems our country is facing?

Finish with Prayer:

God, thank you for being with us when we went to the voting booth today.
God, today we thank you for: (something or someone you’re grateful for)
God, today we need your help with: (something hard or difficult you need to do)
God, today please be with: (someone who may be sick, sad, or hurt)
We ask all this in Jesus’ name.



Pennies to Heaven


Prayers before Voting