Find links to workshops, presentations, and different resources for deepening ministry and personal discipleship.
AI as a Tool for Ministry
The Rev. Jon Owens and the Rev. Peter Levenstrong present a practical webinar on integrating ChatGPT into your ministry work. They cover effective ways to use AI for various ministry-related tasks with live demos that show how ChatGPT can enhance ministry. The Rev. Peter Levenstrong also blogs about using AI in ministry,
Important Topics for Ministry
Listening to Lambeth
Based on a Diocesan Resolution from our Convention in 2022, this page offers content to explore the decisions and impact on the Global Anglican Communion from the Lambeth conference.
Spirituality Resources
Visit this page for both personal and group resources for exploring and deepening spiritual practices within your life. Resources include programs, books, websites, and podcasts.
Healing Domestic Violence
This workshop was designed to supplement Whole & Healthy Church training to give congregations the tools to respond to domestic and intimate partner violence when they see the signs in their community.
Discernment for Ministry
The Commission on Ministry and Vocations office have prepared materials and retreat days for those discerning a call to ordained ministry in the Episcopal Church.
To inquire about our semi-regular Day of Discernment, email Amy Cook.